18 SYSTEM SETUPSystem SetupSelect SCAN TYPE with the ARROW (KL ) but-tons, if it is not already selected, then pressARROW (N) or ENTER to access the SCAN TYPEsub-menu. The right column displays the currentsetting (highlighted) and one option.As a Progressive Scan DVD player, DVD 30 canprovide a high-resolution image in Progressivemode. If you have a compatible display device,you will experience significantly enhanced picturequality. The Progressive Scan indicator in the frontpanel display will light when progressive scan hasbeen selected.TV StandardDVD 30 can set the output video format toAUTO, PAL, PAL60 or NTSC. Select TV STANDARDwith the ARROW (KL) buttons, if it is notalready selected, then press ARROW (N) orENTER to access the TV STANDARD sub-menu.The right column displays the current setting(highlighted) and three options.AUTO will automatically output the originalvideo format on the disc playing. If the disc isPAL, DVD 30 will output PAL video. If the disc isNTSC, the player will output NTSC video.PAL will always output PAL video, even if the discis in NTSC format. This works with all PAL-TVs,even old ones without PAL60 capability, as a realstandard conversion is being made.PAL60 will also convert NTSC signals to PAL, butwith 60 Hz video repetition rate (as with NTSC).This will avoid any artifacts that may come up inrare cases with true NTSC to PAL conversion acti-vated by the PAL selection above. Note that forviewing the PAL60 format your TV must be PAL60compatible.NTSC will always output NTSC video, even if thedisc in in PAL format.If you own a multi-standard TV, we recommendthe AUTO setting for optimal picture quality. Ifyour TV is single-standard, select the appropriatestandard. (PAL, PAL60 or NTSC).Important Note:Some DVD discs currently available contain avideo data inconsistency resulting in an unwant-ed screen artifact. This can occur during videostandard conversion as from NTSC to PAL (whenPAL is selected and you see a slight flickering onhorizontal lines with NTSC discs).To overcome these artifacts follow these steps:During Play mode press the STATUS button, theStatus Bar will appear (see page 21). PressARROW (M ) to select the ”V” (Video) field onthe far right side of the banner, then change thesetting from 0 to either 1 or 2 (KL) until theartifacts disappear.Note: If the DVD 30 is connected to the TV usingRGB via SCART, then the TV will be able to repro-duce NTSC images correctly, even if the TV isPAL-only, (but it must be PAL60 compatible).Aspect RatioThis step selects the TV aspect ratio, conventionalscreen shape (4:3) or widescreen (16:9), accord-ing to your TV: 4:3 Letterbox: Choose this setting if the DVDplayer is connected to a conventional (4:3) TVset and you would prefer to see movies with-out any parts being cut off. You will see theentire frame of the movie and DVD’s recordedwith normal 4:3 format will fill the entirescreen. But movies in widescreen will occupy asmaller portion of the screen, with black barsat the top and bottom of the screen. 4:3 Pan Scan: Choose this setting if the DVDplayer is connected to a conventional (4:3) TVset and you want widescreen movies to fill theentire screen. Note that this setting is effectiveonly with a few widescreen DVD’s recordedwith the Pan and Scan mode. With thosemovies you won’t see parts of the picture (par-ticularly the right and left edges).Most discs produced in a widescreen formatcan’t be cropped in this fashion, which meansthe black bars will appear at the top and bot-tom of the screen (letterbox format). Somewidescreen DVD’s, particulary anamorphictypes (with full vertical line resolution, see sec-tion ”16:9”below), may be shown with origi-nal width but spread vertically. With these disc,the letterbox format must be selected.This setting is usefull only with a few DVD’s,with all others the letterbox format fits best. 16:9 Widescreen: Choose this setting if yourDVD player is connected to a widescreen TV, orto a conventional (4:3) TV changeable to wide-screen (16:9) mode.With this set up, discs recorded with 4:3 aspectratio will appear as a boxed image in the centerof a 16:9 widescreen TV, with black bars to theleft and right of the image (not with 4:3 TVschangeable to 16:9 mode). True widescreen(anamorphic) DVD’s i.e. those shown spreadvertically when the DVD player is set to ”16:9”and your TV is set to ”4:3”, will be shownoptimally with full vertical resolution. With some4:3 TV’s, set to 16:9 format, discs with 4:3 formatmay be played compressed vertically. With thosediscs the TV must be set to 4:3 format.Select TV ASPECT with the ARROW (KL)buttons, if it is not already selected in the VIDEOmenu, then press ARROW (N) or ENTER toaccess the TV ASPECT sub-menu. The rightcolumn displays the current setting (highlighted)and two options. If needed, select a new setting.Press ENTER to confirm the new setting.Picture ControlThe DVD 30 Picture Control function allows youto adjust the output video’s brightness, contrastand color using the Status Banner Menu(see page 25).Select PICTURE CONTROL with the ARROW(KL) buttons, if it is not already selected,then press ARROW (N) or ENTER to access thePICTURE CONTROL sub-menu. The right columndisplays the current setting (highlighted) and oneoption.If the Picture Control is set to BYPASS, brightness,contrast and color cannot be adjusted usingStatus Banner Menu. If it is set to ACTIVE, youcan adjust the picture parameters in StatusBanner Menu.Audio MenuIn the Main Menu, use the ARROW (KL)buttons to highlight the AUDIO menu, pressARROW ( N) or ENTER to access the AUDIOsubmenu. The left column shows the items in theAudio Menu. The right column shows the currentsetting for each item.