24 TEST SCREEN/PLAYING DVD-AUDIO/VIDEO DISCSTest ScreenTest ScreenWhen you press the TEST button on the frontpanel or on the remote you can activate a stillimage to test all settings and the video perform-ance of your TV. With the vertical color bars youcan test the following: proper color intensity setting on your TV, the proper color of each bar, showing if theproper video standard is turned on: the colorsshould be (left to right): black, white, yellow,cyan (turquoise), green, magenta (purple), red,blue, black. proper color transition, seen as sharpseparation of the bars, S-Video will be betterthan Video, RGB best of all. the performance of the color filter in your TV(with ”Video” signals), bar edges should showno vertical crawling dots. Here S-Video andRGB formats usually give no problems.With the grey scale and the black/white fieldsbelow the color bars the brightness and contrastof your screen can be adjusted optimally, seechapter ”TV Picture Adjustment” below.TV Picture Adjustment withTest ScreenThese adjustments may be done now, but youcan also make them after setup has beenfinalized. They can also be made at any timesimply by pressing TEST on the remote control oron the front panel.Brightness adjustment:1. Turn down the color control on your TV untilthe color bars are visible in black and white.2. Adjust the contrast to the lowest level whereyou still can see all bars within the grey scalein the test picture separately and clearly.3. Adjust the Brightness so that the bars in thegrey scale are all visible. The bar furtherst tothe left has to be as black as possible ratherthan grey but the next aside must clearly bedifferable. All the bars in the grey scale have tobe gradually and evenly changing from blackto whiter, going from left to right.Contrast adjustment:1. Adjust the contrast on your TV until you see abright white bar in the right low corner of thescreen and a deep dark black bar at the left.The optimal contrast setting will depend fromyour preference and the surrounding light inthe TV room.2. If the brightness of the white bar will no moreincrease while turning up the contrast or whenthe borders of the white ”harman/kardon” textletters on top will bloom (overlight) into theblack areas, what drasticly will decrease thesharpness of the script, then the Contrast hasbeen turned up too much. Reduce the contrastuntil these effects will disappear and the videostill looks realistic.3. If you are watching TV with a usual surround-ing daylight, adjust the Contrast so that a nor-mal video picture has about the same lookingas the surroundings in your room. By that waythe eye is relazed when watching the TV pic-ture. This contrast setting may be reducedwhen the surrounding light is dimmed, usuallyimproving the sharpness of a video a lotthereby.4. The grey scale in the middle line needs to havethe same clear difference between each bar asbefore the contrast adjustment. If not, go backto the brightness adjustment and repeat step 3and then the contrast adjustments, makingonly minor adjustments each time foroptimisation.Color adjustment.1. When the Brightness and the Contrast are setoptimally, turn up the color control to the levelof your perference. Adjust to the level wherethe colors look strong but still natural, notoverdone. If the color level is too high,depending from the TV used some of the barswill seem wider or the color intensity will notincrease while the control is turned up. Thenthe color control must be reduced again. At theend you should test the color intensity alsowith a video, e.g. pictures of natural faces,flowers, fruit and vegetables and other wellknown natural articles of our life most usefullfor an optimal setting of the color intensity.2. If your TV has a Tint option (with mostEuropean TVs this is available or effective onlywith NTSC signals, not with PAL), use the largewhite bar below the Greyscale to tweak thewarmth of the picture. Every viewer has adifference in preference as how the glow ofthe picture should be. Some prefer a littlecolder picture, some a warmer glow. The Tintfunction on your TV and the white bar can beused to control this. Adjust the Tint to the levelwhere you feel the white color has the toneyou prefer.Color BarsGrey Scale100%Black/WhitefieldsPlaying DVD-AUDIO/VIDEO DiscsUsing the Status Banner Menu(On-Screen Banner Display)The on-screen Status Banner Menu containsmany playback features. To see the Status BannerMenu, press STATUS on the remote while a disc isplaying. Use the ARROW buttons on the remoteto move through the different features in theStatus Banner Menu. Each feature is illustratedwith an icon.Use the ARROW buttons on the remote to high-light an icon in the Banner. When an icon ishighlighted, press ENTER on the remote to selectit (not needed with TITLE and CHAPTER) and tochange it (see below).Note: When a CD or VCD is played, a differentStatus Banner Menu will appear, see page 30.Title: The number shown indicates the number ofthe title that is currently playing.Chapter: The number shown indicates thenumber of the chapter that is currently playing.Brightness: The number indicates the currentsetting. +/- 49 levels are available.Contrast: The number indicates the currentsetting. +/- 49 levels are available.Color: The number indicates the current setting.+/- 49 levels are available.Bookmarks: Highlight this area and press theEnter Button to mark or go to previously book-marked locations on a disc.Time: This item displays the time in DVD mode.Press the ARROW (KL) step by step, for timeas follows: TIME (title elapsed time) - REMAIN(title remaining time) - CHAPTER (chapterelapsed time) - C-REMAIN (chapter remainingtime). If you press ENTER, the player displays SETTIME. You can enter the starting time from whichyou wish the disc to play, then press ENTER orPLAY to start playback from the selected point onthe disc.V-Mode: Some DVD discs currently availablecontain a video data inconsistency resulting in anunwanted screen artifact. This can occur duringvideo standard conversion as from NTSC to PALor from Interlaced to Progressive.To overcome these artifacts select the ”V” fieldon the far right side of the banner, then changethe setting from 0 to either 1 or 2 until the arti-facts disappear (for more details see ”TVStandard, page 18).TITLE BRIGHTNESS COLOR TIMEI I I IT C MARK T-ELAPSED V1 3 0 0 0 OFF 00:00:17 0I I I ICHAPTER CONTRAST BOOKMARK V-MODE