REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS 9Remote Control Functions0 POWER ON: Turns on the player when it isin standby mode (Harman Kardon logo appearson screen).1 POWER OFF: Turns off the player tostandby mode.2 SUBTITLE: When a DVD is playing, pressto select a subtitle language or to turn subtitlesoff.3 TITLE: When a disc is playing, press toshow the number of the title currently played.Press TITLE again to jump to the subsequent title(with the next title number) on the disc. Notethat this function works (most times) even if titlejump is prohibited by a DVD´s playback control.4 ANGLE: Press to access various cameraangles on a DVD (If the DVD contains multiplecamera angles).5 AUDIO: Press to access various audiolanguages on a DVD (If the DVD containsmultiple audio streams).6 TEST: Press for on-screen test pattern thatenables you to optimally adjust brightness, con-trast, color intensity, etc. of your display device.7 EJECT: Press to open or close the disc tray.8 SET-UP: Press to access player set-upmenu.9 ARROW buttons (M / N /K/L/ENTER): Use to select and execute items orsettings.A INFO: Press once for detailed informationson the disc playing (Video/Audio Bit rate, Movieaspect ratio and others), press again for currentplayer settings made. Note that the unit doesn´treact on any transport button as long as the infomenu is displayed. Press again to remove infor-mation from screen.B MENU: Displays the actual DVD DiscMenu on the TV screen in play mode.C PAUSE: Freezes a picture (with DVD/VCD)and pauses the playback signal (CD) when a discis playing. Press again for normal playback.D STATUS: Press while a disc is playing toview banner display. Use the ARROW buttons tomove through the different features in theBanner Display. When a symbol is highlighted,press ENTER on the remote to select it.E SKIP (Previous): Press to go to beginningof current track. Press again quickly to go tobeginning of previous track.F SKIP (Next): Press to go to beginning ofnext track.G PLAY: Begins to play disc (closes disc trayfirst, if it is open.)H SEARCH (REV): Allows you to search inreverse through a disc while it is in play mode.Each time you press this button, search speedchanges as below:R.SEARCH 2x ➜ R.SEARCH 4x ➜ R.SEARCH16x ➜ R.SEARCH 100x ➜ R.SEARCH 2xI STOP: Stops playing a disc. When disc isplaying, if you press STOP and PLAY, the disc willresume play, i.e. it will start from the same pointon the disc where the unit was stopped. If youpress STOP twice and PLAY button, disc will startplay from the beginning.J SEARCH (FWD): Allows you to search for-ward through a disc while it is in play mode.Each time you press this button, search speedchanges as below:F.SEARCH 2x ➜ F.SEARCH 4x ➜ F.SEARCH 16x➜ F.SEARCH 100x ➜ F.SEARCH 2xK DIMMER: Press to change the brightnessof the front panel display or to turn the displayoff completely in the following order: FULLBRIGHTNESS ➜ HALF BRIGHTNESS ➜ OFF ➜FULL BRIGHTNESSL /N SLOW (FWD/REV): Allows you toplay movie in slow mode. Each time you pressthis button, slow speed will be changed asbelow:F.SLOW 1/2x ➜ F.SLOW 1/4x ➜ F.SLOW 1/16x➜ F.SLOW 1/2xR.SLOW 1/2x ➜ R.SLOW 1/4x ➜ R.SLOW 1/16x➜ R.SLOW 1/2xM ZOOM: When a DVD or VCD is playing,press this button to zoom the picture so that it isenlarged. There are 4 steps to the zoom func-tion, each progressively larger. Press througheach of the zoom stages to return to a normalpicture.O RANDOM: Press for RANDOM playback inrandom order.P / STEP (REV/FWD)/STEP PICTURE(DVD-A): Freeze a picture when a disc is play-ing. Also the picture advances frame by frameeach time this button is pressed. DuringDVD-Audio playback press this button to cyclethrough the sub-pictures on the disc.Q V.OFF: Press to turn off video output forimproved performance from audio-only discs.Press again to restore video output. NUMBER (0~9): Select numbers bypressing these buttons. PROG: Press to see Program Edit Displayon the screen when in STOP mode. CHECK: Press during program play (inResume mode) to check the program status onVFD (front display). Escape from this display bypressing ”PLAY”. CLEAR: Press to remove Banner menufrom the screen.$ REPEAT: Press to go to the Repeat menu.You can repeat a chapter, track or the entiredisc. LIGHT: Press to illuminate remotecontroller. A-B: Press to select section A-B and toplay repeatedly.