Netfinity Manager 105System ProfileThe System Profile provides a convenient notebook of perti-nent data about a particular user or system. It featuresmany predefined fields for extensive user-specific data,including name, address, office number and location, andphone number. System Profile also includes many pre-defined fields for system-specific data that might not beavailable to the System Information Tool, including modeland serial numbers and date of purchase. Finally, there aremany user-definable miscellaneous fields that can be usedto hold any data the user or administrator requires.Update Connector ManagerUse Update Connector Manager to quickly and easily gatherinformation about various updates that are available for yourclient systems. Once available updates are discovered, useUpdate Connector Manager to apply updates to your sys-tems remotely. Updates can be applied to individual sys-tems, or you can apply multiple updates to multiple systems,all from Netfinity Manager. You can also use Update Con-nector Manager to remove previously applied updates.Update Connector Manager also includes a scheduler thatyou can use to discover, apply, or remove updates automati-cally and periodically.Web Manager ConfigurationUse the Web Manager Configuration service to limit accessto the Netfinity Manager for Web to user-specified TCP/IPhost or ranges of TCP/IP host addresses. Enable or disablethe Netfinity Manager for Web and specify the TCP/IP portnumber to which the Netfinity Manager Web server func-tions.Delaying Netfinity Manager startup onOS/2 systemsIn some cases, it might be necessary for you to delay theautomatic startup of the Netfinity Manager Network Interface(NETFBASE.EXE) in order to allow other time-sensitiveapplications to start up correctly or to allow your system tofully configure itself prior to beginning network operations.NETFBASE.EXE includes a parameter (WAIT) that you canuse to specify the number of seconds that NETFBASE.EXEwill wait before starting.During Netfinity Manager installation, the Netfinity ManagerNetwork Interface object is placed in the Startup folder. Toconfigure Netfinity Manager to wait a specified number ofseconds before starting:1. Shut down the Netfinity Manager Network Interface if itis running.2. Open the Startup folder.3. Using the right mouse button, click the Netfinity Man-ager Network Interface object. This will open the Net-finity Manager Network Interface context menu.4. Click Settings to open the Netfinity Manager NetworkInterface Settings notebook.5. In the Parameters field typeWAIT:x