26 Netfinity 3500-M20 – Type 8657 Models 21Y, 22Y, 31Y, 32Y,PCNTND-15 Device not found.Explanation: The driver cannot find anEthernet controller in the server.Action: Verify that the Ethernet controlleris enabled. If the Ethernet controller isenabled, go to “Starting the diagnosticprograms” on page 11 to run thediagnostic programs.PCNTND-16 PCI scan specified, device not found.Explanation: The driver cannot locatethe Ethernet controller on the PCI bus.Action: Verify that the Ethernet controlleris enabled. If the Ethernet controller isenabled, go to “Starting the diagnosticprograms” on page 11 to run thediagnostic programs.PCNTND-21 The adapter failed the checksum test.Explanation: The driver cannot find anEthernet controller.Action: Verify that the Ethernet controlleris enabled. If the Ethernet controller isenabled, go to “Starting the diagnosticprograms” on page 11 to run thediagnostic programs.PCNTND-23 WARNING: PCNET IRQ found =xxExplanation: The interrupt request (IRQ)setting (xx) in the PROTOCOL.INI filedoes not match the hardware IRQ setting.Action: Remove the IRQ setting from thePROTOCOL.INI file or change the IRQsetting in the PROTOCOL.INI file tomatch the IRQ setting shown in the PCISlot/Device Information selection of theAdvanced Setup menu in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program.PCNTND-24 WARNING: PCNET IRQ does notmatch PROTOCOL.INI.Explanation: The interrupt request (IRQ)setting in the PROTOCOL.INI file doesnot match the hardware IRQ setting.Action: Remove the IRQ setting from thePROTOCOL.INI file or change the IRQsetting in the PROTOCOL.INI file tomatch the IRQ setting shown in the PCISlot/Device Information selection of theAdvanced Setup menu in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program.Table 3. NDIS 2.01 (OS/2) driver messages for the Ethernetcontroller