106 IBM BladeCenter PS703 and PS704 Technical Overview and IntroductionFigure 3-9 The two levels of unused capacity redistributionCapacity allocation above the Entitled Pool Capacity (Level1)The POWER Hypervisor initially manages the Entitled Pool Capacity at the Shared-ProcessorPool level. This is where unused processor capacity within a Shared-Processor Pool isharvested and then redistributed to uncapped micro-partitions within the sameShared-Processor Pool. This level of processor capacity management is sometimes referredto as Level 0 capacity resolution.At a higher level, the POWER Hypervisor harvests unused processor capacity from theMultiple Shared-Processor Pools that do not consume all of their Entitled Pool Capacity. If aparticular Shared-Processor Pool is heavily loaded and some uncapped micro-partitionswithin it require additional processor capacity (above the Entitled Pool Capacity) then thePOWER Hypervisor redistributes some of the extra capacity to the uncapped micro-partitions.This level of processor capacity management is sometimes referred to as Level1 capacityresolution.POWER HypervisorSPPnSPP 2SPP 1SPP 0Micro-partition nSPP2 capacityresolutionSPPn capacityresolutionSPP 1 capacityresolutionSPP 0 capacityresolutionPhysical Shared Processor Poolp0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5Level1 capacityresolutionLevel 1 capacity resolutionPOWER Hypervisor harvests unusedprocessor capacity from Shared-ProcessorPools and redistributes it across alluncapped micro-partitions regardless of theShared-Processor Pool structureLevel 0 capacity resolutionResolution of the Entitled Pool Capacitywithin the same Shared-Processor PoolLevel 0capacityresolutionMicro-partition 0Micro-partition 1Micro-partition 2Micro-partition 3Micro-partitionnImportant: For Level 1 capacity resolution, when allocating additional processor capacity inexcess of the Entitled Pool Capacity of the Shared-Processor Pool, the POWERHypervisor takes into account the uncapped weights of all micro-partitions in the system,regardless of the Multiple Shared-Processor Pool structure.