© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved. 179AC alternating currentAMD Advanced Micro DevicesAMM Advanced Management ModuleARP Address Resolution ProtocolASIC application-specific integratedcircuitASMI Advanced System ManagementInterfaceBIOS basic input output systemBIST Built-in self-testBOOTP boot protocolCD-ROM compact disc read only memoryCEC central electronics complexCEE Converged Enhanced EthernetCIF Customer Installed FeaturesCLI command-line interfaceCMOS complementary metal oxidesemiconductorCNA Converged Network AdapterCPU central processing unitCRC cyclic redundancy checkCRU customer replaceable unitsCSU Customer Set UpDASD direct access storage deviceDC domain controllerDDR Double Data RateDHCP Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocolDIMM dual inline memory moduleDLPAR Dynamic Logical PartitionDPM Distributed Power ManagementDRAM dynamic random access memoryDSM disk storage moduleECC error checking and correctingEED extended error dataEEH extended error handlingELA error log analysisESA Electronic Service AgentETSI European TelecommunicationsStandard IndustryFC Fibre ChannelFC-AL Fibre Channel-arbitrated loopAbbreviations and acronymsFC-IP Fibre Channel Internet ProtocolFDMI Fibre Device ManagementInterfaceFFDC first-failure data captureFIR fault isolation registersFRU field replaceable unitFSP flexible service processorGB gigabyteHBA host bus adapterHDD hard disk driveHEA Host Ethernet AdapterHMC Hardware Management ConsoleHPC high performance computingHSSM high speed switch moduleHT Hyper-ThreadingHTTP Hypertext Transfer ProtocolI/O input/outputIBA InfiniBand ArchitectureIBM International Business MachinesIBTA InfiniBand Trade AssociationID identifierIEEE Institute of Electrical andElectronics EngineersIOC IO controllersIP Internet ProtocolIPL initial program loadIPTV Internet Protocol TelevisionISA industry standard architectureIT information technologyITSO International Technical SupportOrganizationIVE Integrated Virtual EthernetIVM Integrated Virtualization ManagerKVM keyboard video mouseLAN local area networkLDAP Lightweight Directory AccessProtocolLED light emitting diodeLMB Logical Memory BlockLPAR logical partitionsLPM Live Partition Mobility