Chapter 2. Architecture and technical overview 79– Maximum number of volumes is 16 per blade server (maximum of 128 volumes perchassis).– One volume can be mapped to all 6 blades in the chassis. Mixing HDDs of different capacities in a single volume is supported. However, the totalvolume size is aligned with the size of the smallest HDD, and excess space onlarger-sized HDDs is not used. Both SAS and Near-line SAS (NL SAS) hot swap HDDs are supported, and intermixingSAS/NL SAS drives is supported as well. However, each storage pool must have harddisks of the same type; that is, SAS or NL SAS. SATA drives are not supported by SASRAID Controller Module. Global hot-spare drives are supported. The drive designated as a hot-spare should be aslarge as, or larger than, other drives in the system. Blade boot from logical volume is supported. Path failover is supported with IBM Subsystem Device Driver Device Specific Module(SDD DSM) for Windows® and Device Mapper Multipath (DMM) for Red Hat/Novell SUSELinux. External tape attachments are supported.For more information about the SAS RAID Controller solution, see: SAS RAID Controller Installation and User Guide: SAS RAID Controller Module Interoperability Guide SAS RAID Controller Module Detailed Host Attachment Guide (Remote Boot included): IBM System StorageThe IBM System Storage Disk Systems products and offerings provide compelling storagesolutions with superior value for all levels of business.IBM System Storage N seriesIBM N series unified system storage solutions can provide customers with the latesttechnology to help them improve performance, management, and system efficiency at areduced total cost of ownership. Several enhancements have been incorporated into the Nseries product line to complement and reinvigorate this portfolio of solutions. Theenhancements include: The new SnapManager® for Hyper-V provides extensive management for backup,restoration, and replication for Microsoft® Hyper-V environments. The new N series Software Packs provides the benefits of a broad set of N seriessolutions at a reduced cost. An essential component to this launch is Fibre Channel over Ethernet access and 10 GbEthernet, to help integrate Fibre Channel and Ethernet flow into a unified network, andtake advantage of current Fibre Channel installations.For more information, see the following web page: