Configure Dials and LPFKeysThis service aid provides a tool for configuring and removing dials/LPFKs to theasynchronous serial ports.Since version 4.1.3 a TTY must be defined on the async port before the Dials andLPFKs can be configured on the port. Before version 4.2 the Dials and LPFKs couldonly be configured on the standard serial ports. At version 4.2 the Dials and LPFKs canbe configured on any async port.This selection invokes the SMIT utility to allow Dials and LPFKs configuration. A TTYmust be in the available state on the async port before the Dials and LPFKs can beconfigured on the port. The task allows an async adapter to be configured, then a TTYport defined on the adapter, and then Dials and LPFKs can be defined on the port.Configure Reboot PolicyThis service aid controls how the system tries to recover from a system crash.Use this service aid to display and change the following settings for the Reboot Policy.Note: Because of system capability, some of the following settings may not bedisplayed by this service aid.v Maximum Number of Reboot AttemptsEnter a number that is 0 or greater.Note: A value of 0 indicates ’do not attempt to reboot’ to a crashed system.This number is the maximum number of consecutive attempts to reboot the system.The term ″reboot″, in the context of this service aid, is used to describe bringingsystem hardware back up from scratch, for example from a system reset or poweron.When the reboot process completes successfully, the reboot attempts count is resetto 0, and a ″restart″ begins. The term ″restart″, in the context of this service aid, isused to describe the operating system activation process. Restart always follows asuccessful reboot.When a restart fails, and a restart policy is enabled, the system attempts to rebootfor the maximum number of attempts.v Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy (1=Yes, 0=No)When ’Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy’ is set to Yes, the system attempts toreboot from a crash if the operating system has an enabled Defined Restart orReboot Policy.When ’Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy’ is set to No, or the operating systemrestart policy is undefined, then the restart policy is determined by the ’SupplementalRestart Policy’.v Enable Supplemental Restart Policy (1=Yes, 0=No)146 S80 and S85 User’s Guide