Table 2. Operator Panel Function Codes (continued)Function Code Function Selected24 xxxx xxxx Reserved25 xxxx xxxx The service representative switch 1 is set; this function is thefirst step necessary to set the service function range from 50 to70. NOTE: This function is for service representatives only andshould not be invoked by the user.26 xxxx xxxx The service representative switch 2 is set; this function is thesecond step necessary to set the service function range from50 to 70. NOTE: This function is for service representativesonly and should not be invoked by the user.27 xxxx xxxx through 31 xxxxxxxxReserved32 xxxx xxxx Reserved33 xxxx xxxx Reserved34 xxxx xxxx Reserved35 xxxx xxxx through 49 xxxxxxxxReserved50 xxxx xxxx System processing unit stop.51 xxxx xxxx System processing unit status.52 xxxx xxxx System processing unit start.53 xxxx xxxx Path switch and reset.54 xxxx xxxx Reserved55 xxxx xxxx Display low-level diagnostic service processor log buffer.56 xxxx xxxx Display low-level diagnostic service processor code area.57 xxxx xxxx Reserved58 xxxx xxxx Display low-level diagnostic IPL parameters area.59 xxxx xxxx Set first character of base address for function 62 display.60 xxxx xxxx Set second character of base address for function 62 display.61 xxxx xxxx Set third character of base address for function 62 display.62 xxxx xxxx Display service processor control storage.63 xxxx xxxx System status SRC trace.64 xxxx xxxx Service processor diagnostic status SRC trace.65 xxxx xxxx Reserved66 xxxx xxxx Reserved67 xxxx xxxx Reserved68 xxxx xxxx Reserved69 xxxx xxxx Reserved70 xxxx xxxx ReservedAppendix D. Operator Panel Functions 205