95CD-ROM Drive001 - STARTq Insert the diagnostics diskette into the diskette drive andmake sure that there is no CD in the CD-ROM drive.q Select Interactive Tests menu, then select and executeCD-ROM Test.002 - DO YOU SEE A MESSAGE “NO CD-ROM DRIVE ORMSCDEX DEVICE DRIVER INSTALLED.” ? (YES,READ AHEAD. NO, GO TO 003.)q Exit the diagnostics program and power off the system.q Check and make sure that the CD-ROM drive power cableand audio and data cables are not damaged and areconnected properly.q Check and make sure that the CD-ROM drive driver isloaded correctly.q Load default settings.003 - DO THE TESTS OF OPEN/CLOSE TRAY BYDIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM AND BY DEPRESSINGCD-ROM DRIVE BUTTON WORK? (YES, READAHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 006.)q Load a known good data CD into the CD-ROM drive andtry to read its content by typing DIR at DOS prompt.004 - CAN A CD BE READ FROM THE CD-ROM DRIVE?(YES, THEN THE CD-ROM DRIVE FUNCTIONSNORMALLY. NO, READ AHEAD.)q Try reading the CD with a known good CD-ROM drive.005 - IS THE CD STILL NOT READABLE? (YES, READAHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 006.)q Replace system board.q End.006 -q Replace CD-ROM drive.q End.Memory001 - STARTq Power off the system unit.q Insert the diagnostics diskette into the diskette drive.q Make sure that all DIMMs are installed correctly.