About this book 1-1Chapter 1. About this bookThe User Guide contains general information for all users of an IBM PersonalComputer. Once you have taken your computer out of the box and connected all thecomponents, you can use this book as a guide to your computer's hardware and asa problem-solving tool.The topics in this book range from an introduction of important hardware features toinstructions for reconfiguring or upgrading your computer. In addition, if youexperience a problem with your computer, this book can guide you to a solution.This book may include information for several models. If the model you purchaseddid not come with some of the hardware or IBM-preinstalled software mentioned inthis book, you will not be able to use those features. For more information, see the“About your software” that comes with your computer.About this bookThis book contains the following chapters:• Chapter 1. “About this book” on page 1-1This chapter contains information about the book’s contents and organization.It also points you to other documents or online resources for more information.• Chapter 2. “Getting started” on page 2-1This chapter contains instructions for making adjustments to the monitor andthe system volume settings on your computer. It also provides information tohelp you connect your computer to a printer or to the Internet.• Chapter 3. “Power management features” on page 3-1This chapter describes the software shutdown and suspend features of yourcomputer for more efficient power management.• Chapter 4. “BIOS Setup configuration” on page 4-1This chapter provides instructions for using the Setup Utility, where you canview or change your system’s configuration.