2-10 IBM Personal Computer User GuideThe telephone line your modem uses cannot be used for any other purpose whilethe modem is operating. Any interruption on the line your computer is using will stopcomputer communications. Do not pick up a telephone on the same line yourcomputer is using. You must also disable any Call Waiting features on yourtelephone service. Contact your local telephone company for information about howto disable Call Waiting. Your telephone company might have a dialing sequenceprocedure that lets you temporarily suspend Call Waiting.If your computer's telephone line connection is interrupted during modem operation,you must clear the telephone line and restart the communication. If you weresending a fax, you must resent the fax. If you were dialed into a network(communicating with other computers), you must redial.Configuring your communications softwareYour computer can run software that allows you to use the system as a fax machine.To configure your computer to operate as a fax machine, see the Windows onlinehelp.Your computer also comes with software that lets you connect to the Internet.Proceed to the next section “Configuring your computer for a connection to theInternet.”If you decide not to use a communications software program, you can still use yourmodem. See “Modem commands” on page B-5 for information about typing ATcommands in a Windows Terminal program or a Windows DOS box. If you needmore information about modems, see “Modems features” on page B-1.