6-2 IBM Personal Computer User GuideResolving conflicts with installed adapter cardsIf you purchased a computer with an installed modem card, this section can helpyou resolve some potential conflicts between your new hardware and the modemcard.If after installing a new hardware option, the modem or new hardware option doesnot work, use the Windows Device Manager to compare the resources used by theinstalled modem card and the new hardware option. If both devices attempt to usethe same resource, refer to the new hardware's documentation to change theresource used by the new hardware.If the resource for the new hardware cannot be changed, change the resource forthe modem card in the Device Manager.Setting modem card configurationsIf your computer is equipped with a modem, follow these steps to view the interruptrequest resources or change the I/O addresses and memory range for the installedmodem card.1. Right click on the My Computer icon and select Properties.2. In the System Properties window, click on the Device Manager tab.3. Click on View devices by type.4. Do one of the following:– To change or view the I/O addresses or view the interrupt requestassignment, double-click on the modem list item to expand the list. Then,continue with step 5.– To change or view the memory addresses or view the interrupt requestassignment, double-click on the HCFMODEM list item to expand the list.Then, continue with step 5.5. Double-click on the Modem item appearing in the expanded list.6. In the Modem Properties window, click on the Resources tab.If you need help in using the Device Manager, press the F1 key to view the onlinehelp.You must restart your computer before any Device Manager changes can takeeffect.