v The system is powered off.Note: If the computer enters the hibernation mode while itis docked to the docking station, do not undock itfrom the docking station before resuming normaloperation. If you do undock it and then try toresume normal operation, you will get an errormessage, and you will have to restart the system.To cause the computer to enter hibernation mode, do anyof the following:v Press the Fn+F12 keys.v If you are using the APM operating system and have setthe mode to Power switch mode [Hibernation], turnoff the power switch.v If you are using the ACPI operating system and havedefined one of the following actions as the event thatcauses the system to go into hibernation mode, performthat action.– Closing the lid.– Pressing the power button.– Pressing Fn+F4 keys.Also, the computer goes into hibernation modeautomatically in either of the following conditions:v If a “hibernation time” has been set on the timer, and theuser does not do any operation with the keyboard, theTrackPoint, the hard-disk drive, the parallel connector, orthe diskette drive within that time.v If the timer conditions are satisfied in suspend mode.v If you are using the APM operating system and have setthe mode to Hibernate when battery becomes low,and the battery charge becomes critically low.When the power is turned on, the computer returns fromhibernation mode and resumes operation. The hibernationfile in the boot record on the hard-disk drive is read, andsystem status is restored from the hard-disk drive.Related service informationGeneral descriptions 35