10 p5-550 Technical Overview and Introductioninclude the handling of the partition profiles that define the processor, memory, and I/Oresources allocated to an individual partition.The 7310 Model CR2 or the 7310 Model C03 HMCs are specifically for POWER5processor-based systems. However, an existing 7315 Model CR2 and the 7315 Model C03(POWER4 processor-based systems HMC) can be converted for POWER5 processor-basedsystems use when it is loaded with the HMC software required for POWER5 processor-basedsystems (FC 0961).POWER5 processor-based system HMCs require Ethernet connectivity. Ensure thatsufficient Ethernet adapters are available to enable public and private networks if you needboth. The 7310 Model C03 is a desktop model with only one native 10/100/1000 Ethernetport, but three additional PCI slots. The 7310 Model CR2 is a 1U, 19-inch rack mountabledrawer that has two native Ethernet ports and two additional PCI slots.When an HMC is connected to the p5-550, the p5-550 integrated serial ports are disabled. Ifyou need serial connections, for example, non-Ethernet HACMP heartbeat, you need toprovide an async adapter.1.4 Value PaksValue Paks are a new offering available on an initial order only. They provide a predefinedconfiguration, designed to meet typical customer requirements. Special reduced pricing isavailable when a system order satisfies specific configuration requirements for memory, diskdrives, and processors. When a Value Pak is ordered, it is still possible to select additionalfeatures.If you order a p5-550, you can qualify for a processor activation at no additional charge. Thenumber of processors, total memory, and quantity and size of disk are the only features thatdetermine if a customer is entitled to processor activations at no additional charge. You willalso be entitled to a discounted AIX operating system license or you can choose to purchasethe system with no operating system. All Value Paks consist of a standard configuration thatmust be part of the order. For each paid processor activation, the customer is entitled to oneprocessor activationat no additional charge if the following minimum requirements are met: The system must have at least two disk drives of 73.4 GB or greater each. There must be at least 2 GB of memory installed for each activated processor, asdescribed in Table 1-7.Table 1-7 Value Pak configurationsNote: It is not possible to connect POWER4 and POWER5 processor-based systemssimultaneously to the same HMC.Note: Value Paks are available in an initial order only.Value Paks Processors, FCs Memory (MB) Disk1.65 GHz 2-way, 1x 5237 and 1x 7871 4096, 2x FC 4447 2x 73.4 GB (FC 3274)1.65 GHz 4-way, 2x 5237 and 2x 7871 8192, 2x FC 4445 2x 73.4 GB (FC 3274)