4. Select Save Settings and press Enter.Configuring the Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet controllerThe Ethernet controller is integrated on the system board. It provides an interfacefor connecting to a 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1 Gbps network and provides full duplex(FDX) capability, which enables simultaneous transmission and reception of data onthe network. If the Ethernet port in the server supports auto-negotiation, thecontroller detects the data-transfer rate (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, or 1000BASE-T)and duplex mode (full-duplex or half-duplex) of the network and automaticallyoperates at that rate and mode.You do not have to set any jumpers or configure the controller. However, you mustinstall a device driver to enable the operating system to address the controller. Fordevice drivers and information about configuring the Ethernet controller, see theBroadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Software CD that comes with the server. Tofind updated information about configuring the controller, complete the followingsteps.Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual proceduremight vary slightly from what is described in this document.1. Go to http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/support/xseries/index.html/2. From the Hardware list, select System x3200 and click Go.3. Click the Install and use tab.4. Click Product documentation.LSI Configuration Utility programUse the LSI Configuration Utility program to configure and manage redundant arrayof independent disks (RAID) arrays. Be sure to use this program as described inthis document.v Use the LSI Configuration Utility program to:– Perform a low-level format on a hard disk drive– Create an array of hard disk drives with or without a hot-spare drive– Set protocol parameters on hard disk drivesThe integrated SAS/SATA controller with RAID capabilities supports RAID arrays.You can use the LSI Configuration Utility program to configure RAID 1 (IM), RAID1E (IME), and RAID 0 (IS) for a single pair of attached devices. If you install adifferent type of RAID adapter, follow the instructions in the documentation thatcomes with the adapter to view or change settings for attached devices.In addition, you can download an LSI command-line configuration program fromhttp://www.ibm.com/support/.When you are using the LSI Configuration Utility program to configure and managearrays, consider the following information:v The integrated SAS/SATA controller with RAID capabilities supports:– Integrated Mirroring (IM) with hot-spare support (also known as RAID 1)Use this option to create an integrated array of two disks plus an optional hotspare. All data on the primary disk can be migrated.– Integrated Mirroring Enhanced (IME) with hot-spare support (also known asRAID 1E)54 System x3200 Types 4362 and 4363: User’s Guide