Decomposition vessels C 7010 and C 7012 are required for determi-nation of the gross calorific value in the IKA C 7000 calorimeter. Theare equipped as described in DIN 51 900 T1 5.1. In addition, thesedecomposition vessels have integrated temperature sensors whichallow the temperature to be maesured directly in the vessel.These decomposition vessels are pressure containers in which com-bustion may be carried out with oxygen atmospheres. The pressurecontain consist of the three pressure-bearing parts which are corre-spondingly marked. They include:• bottom part • cover • cap screwThe device also features built-in components for electric ignition andor holding the combustion crucible (in accordance with DIN 51 900 T15.6): These include:• electrode • dish holderThe electrode also assumes the function of the non-returnable valve.The valve is used to both fill the vessel with oxygen (C48) and toempty it. The insides of the decomposition vessel are protected byemployments from suitable material.For easy handling, the bottom part of the decomposition vessel isprovided with a sealing (item 18) on which the device can also beset up on to laboratory tables. The integrated board (item 20)which is used for transmission of the temperature signal and forrecognition of the decomposition vessel makes it possible to posi-tion the decomposition vessel wherever required.Please unpack the decomposition vessel carefully and check it fordamage. It is important that any transport damage is detectedwhen the vessel is unpacked. If necessary, and inventory of thedamage should be made immediately (postal service, railway, hou-lage company).1 x decomposition vessel C 7010 or C 70121 x o-ring item 4 1 x cotton threat C7104 (500pieces)1 x o-ring item 7 1 x ignition wire C7010 or C70121 x double open end spanner 1 x quartz crucible C41 x operating instruction C 7010 / C 7012When working with the C 7000FZ calorimeter system, a maximum of8 decomposition vessels can be used. This is made possible throughcoding of the decomposition vessel from No. 0 to No. 7.The calorimeter automatically recognizes the decomposition ves-sel that is presently being used for a measurement.Coding is carried out by separating the conductor line on the prin-ted circuit board (item 20) located in the bottom part of the decom-position vessel. the conductorlines are marked with I, II and III.(see Figure 1)It is utmost impor-tance that the thickconductor lines arenot damaged whenthe thin conductorlines are separated.It is advisable to usea sharp knife in orderto cut the thin con-ductor lines at adistan-ce of 2 mm.The piece in bet-ween is then remo-ved.17C7010/12 0508D evic e desc ript ionUnpac k ingInc luded w it h delivery of C 7 0 1 0 / C 7 0 1 2C oding of t he dec omposit ion vesselI III IIConductor lineFigure 1