The decomposition vessel is equipped with a fixed ignition wire.A cotton thread has to befastened to the ignitionwire in order to carryout combustion. Fasten cottonthread as shown in the diagram.Inserting the crucibleThe crucible can be placedinto the crucible holderafter the combustion sam-ples have been weigted.You can find crucibles among theaccessories for the C7010 and C7012• Put the cover onto the bottom part and press the cover inthe bottom part until stop.C losing t he dec omposit ion vessel18 C7010/12 0508Coding no.: Conductor line to separateIII II I01 X2 X3 X X4 X5 X X6 X X7 X X XTable 1 CodingExample to illustrate table 1, Coding:No.: 0 No conductor line is separated.No.: 3 Conductor lines III and II are separated.No.: 6 Conductor lines II and I are separated.• Take hold of the decomposition vessel and firmly grip thebottom part• Unscrew the cap srew in a counter-clockwise direction tothe bottom part• Use the venting handle in order to pull out the cover.The cover may also be removed by pressing on the sides ofthe filler neck until the cover is easily pulled out.The venting handle is part of deliveryquantity for the C7000 calorimeter.Opening t he dec omposit ion vesselP reparing t he dec omposit ion vesselCotton threadCotton thread