C7010/12 050824C14C5010.4Replacing the crucible holderFor the use of the oneway crucible C14the decomposition vessels C 7010and C 7012 must be put in thein the foundation C5010.4.These foundation C 5010.4replaces the normal crucible holding.Take the cover part and until the ignitionwire on the crucible holder likediscribed before.Screw down the cru-cible holder from theshaft and replace itwith the foundationC 5010.4.Installation of the oneway crucible C14The oneway crucible C14 mustbe put into the crucible holdingof the foundation C 5010.4 sothat the ignition wire touchesthe oneway crucible C14.It would the best to stick itunder the ignition wire.Operating pressure PS max. 230 bar (30MPa)Test pressure PT 330 bar (33 MPa)Volume 210 mlNuclear temperatures ≥ 1300 °COperating pressures max. 50°CSample decomposition isochorOxygen valve non-returnable valve(Vacuum operation not possible)Crucible holder as in DIN 51 900Detection temperature Pt 100 integratetMaterial Lower part 3.4365Threadet joint 3.4365C7010 C7012Cover 1.4439 2.4610Insert 1.4439 2.4610Tec hnic al dat a