4-Wire Cable from Home Power Supply to 4-Wire Cablefrom CooktopIMPORTANT: Use the 4-wire cable from home power supply inthe U.S. where local codes do not allow grounding throughneutral, New Branch circuit installations (1996 NEC), mobilehomes and recreational vehicles, new construction, and inCanada.A. Cable from power supplyB. Red wiresC. Bare or green wiresD. 4-Wire cable from cooktopE. Junction boxF. White wiresG. UL listed wire connectorH. Black wiresI. UL listed or CSA approvedconduit connector1. Connect the 2 black wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.2. Connect the 2 red wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.3. Connect the 2 white wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.4. Connect the green or bare ground wire from the cooktopcable to the green or bare ground wire (in the junction box)using the UL listed wire connectors.5. Install junction box cover.3-Wire Cable from Home Power Supply to 4-Wire Cablefrom Cooktop - U.S. onlyIMPORTANT: Use the 3-wire cable from power supply where localcodes permit connecting the frame-ground conductor to theneutral (white) junction box wire.3. Connect the green or bare and white cooktop cable wires tothe white (neutral) wire in the junction box using the UL listedwire connectors.4. Install junction box cover.4-Wire Cable from Home Power Supply to 3-Wire Cablefrom CooktopIMPORTANT: Use the 4-wire cable from home power supply inthe U.S. where local codes do not allow grounding throughneutral, New Branch circuit installations (1996 NEC), mobilehomes and recreational vehicles, new construction, and inCanada.DEFGA. Red wiresB. Green or bare ground wire(from cooktop)C. 3-Wire cable from cooktopD. Junction boxE. White wire (from power supply)F. UL listed wire connectorG. Black wiresH. UL listed or CSA approvedconduit connector1. Connect the 2 black wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.2. Connect the 2 red wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.3. Connect the green or bare ground wire from the cooktopcable to the green or bare ground wire (in the junction box)using the UL listed wire connectors.4. Put a UL listed wire connector on the end of the white wire.NOTE: Do not connect the bare ground wire to the neutral(white) wire in the junction box.5. Install junction box cover.HA. Cable from power supplyB. Red wiresC. Bare or green wiresD. 4-Wire cable from cooktopE. Junction boxF. White wireG. UL listed wire connectorH. Black wiresL UL listed or CSA approvedconduit connector1. Connect the 2 black wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.2. Connect the 2 red wires together using the UL listed wireconnectors.