102 PANEL DESCRIPTIONMONITOR KEYActvates one of (or two of) the followng functons on each chan-nel ndependently:• Push and hold to un-mute the channel (audo s emtted; ‘Audble’condton).• Push to mute the channel (sets to ‘Inaudble’ only).• Push after the communcaton s finshed to send a ‘reset code’. (BIISoperaton only)NOTE: The un-mute condton (‘Audble’ condton) may auto-matcally return to the mute condton (‘Inaudble‘ condton)after a specfied perod.LIGHT KEYPush to turn the backlght ON for about 5 sec. even f the backlghtfuncton s turned OFF n user set mode.LONE WORKER KEYPush to turn the Lone Worker functon ON or OFF.• If the Lone Worker functon s actvated, the Emergency functon sautomatcally turned ON after the specfied tme perod has passedwth no operaton s performed.HIGH/LOW KEYPush to select the transmt output power temporarly or perma-nently, dependng on the pre-settng.• Ask your dealer for the output power level for each selecton.C.TONE CHANNEL ENTER KEYPush to enter the contnuous tone channel selecton mode, andpush [CH Up]/[CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code set-tng. The selected channel remans set as the contnuous tonechannel untl another channel s desgnated as such.