PRECAUTIONSR WARNING! NEVER hold the transcever so that the antenna svery close to, or touchng exposed parts of the body, especally the faceor eyes, whle transmttng. The transcever wll perform best f the mcro-phone s 5 to 10 cm away from the lps and the transcever s vertcal.R WARNING! NEVER operate the transcever wth a headset orother audo accessores at hgh volume levels.R CAUTION! NEVER short the termnals of the battery pack.R CAUTION! NEVER connect the transcever to a power source otherthan the BP-226 or BP-227. Such a connecton wll run the transcever.R CAUTION! NEVER use non-Icom battery packs/chargers to pre-vent the loss of the transcever’s good performance and warranty.DO NOT push the PTT when not actually desrng to transmt.DO NOT use or place the transcever n drect sunlght or n areas wthtemperatures below –25°C or above +55°C; except for Chna. (Below–30°C or above +60°C for Chna.)DO NOT modfy the transcever for any reason.DO NOT operate the transcever near unshelded electrcal blastngcaps or n an explosve atmosphere. The IC-F51V/F61V seres transcev-ers are not the exploson-proof constructon.MAKE SURE the flexble antenna and battery pack are securely at-tached to the transcever, and that the antenna and battery pack are drybefore attachment. Exposng the nsde of the transcever to water wllresult n serous damage to the transcever.BE CAREFUL! The IC-F51V/F61V seres transcevers employ water-proof constructon, whch corresponds to IPX7 of the nternatonal standardIEC 60529 (2001), 1 m depth for 30 mnutes. However, once the transceverhas been dropped, waterproofing cannot be guaranteed due to the fact thatthe transcever may be cracked, or the waterproof seal damaged, etc.Icom optonal equpment s desgned for optmal performance whenused wth ths transcever. We are not responsble for the transceverbeng damaged or any accdent caused when usng non-Icom optonalequpment.