112PANEL DESCRIPTION2TALK AROUND KEYPush to turn the talk around functon ON and OFF.• The talk around functon equalzes the transmt frequency to the re-ceve frequency for transcever-to-transcever communcaton.WIDE/NARROW KEYPush to toggle the IF bandwdth between wde and narrow.• The wde passband wdth can be selected from 25.0 or 20.0 kHzusng the CS-F50V cloning software. Ask your dealer for detals.DTMF AUTODIAL KEY➥ Push to enter the DTMF channel selecton mode. Then selectthe desred DTMF channel usng [CH Up]/[CH Down].➥ After selectng the DTMF channel, push agan to transmt theselected DTMF code.DTMF RE-DIAL KEYPush to transmt the last-transmtted DTMF code.• TX memores are cleared after turnng the transcever OFF.CALL KEYSPush to transmt a 5-tone/BIIS ID code.• Call transmsson s necessary before callng another staton depend-ng on your sgnallng system.• [Call A] and/or [Call B] may be avalable when your system employsselectve ‘Indvdual/Group’ calls. Ask your dealer whch call s as-sgned to each key.SURVEILLANCE KEYPush to turn the survellance functon ON or OFF.When ths functon s turned ON, the beep s not emtted and theLCD backlght and the LED ndcator do not lght when a sgnal sreceved or a key s pushed.