233BASIC OPERATION1234567891011121314151617181920e Release [PTT] to receve.• The RX voce message s recorded.r Push [Playback/Rec] agan to stop recordng.• “ ” stops blnkng.• The recordng operaton automatcally stops after the followng: therecordng memory s full, pushng any key but [PTT], or transmt-tng a sngle tone.Playing back:The recorded voce messages are played back wth [Playback] or[Playback/Rec].• “ ” appears on the functon dsplay when the unplayed message sn the recordng memory.➥ Push [Playback] or [Playback/Rec] to playback the recordedmessage n sequence startng wth the latest one.• Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desred message.• A short beep s emtted after playng back each message.• A long beep s emtted after playng back all messages.• Durng playback mode, “ ” appears when the unplayed messages played back, or “ ” dsappears when the played message splayed back.• “ ” dsappears after playng back the unplayed message for thespecfied tme perod.• If you push [PTT] whle playng back the message, the transceverstops playng back, and then starts to transmt.Deleting the message:➥ Whle playng back the message, push and hold [Playback] or[Playback/Rec] for 1 sec. to delete the playng back message.➥ Whle pushng and holdng [P0] and [CH Up], turn power ON todelete all messages n the recordng memory.