47sERVICINgIdeal Logic Code Combi - Installation and Servicing65 saFETy RELIEF VaLVE RENEWaL1. Refer to Frame 49.2. Drain the boiler. Refer to Frame 63.3. Remove the condensate trap/siphon. Refer to Frame 59.4. Remove expansion vessel. Refer to Frame 75.5. Disconnect the electrical connection from the returnthermistor.6. Disconnect the 22mm pipe connection at the rear ofthe pump outlet.7. Pull off the clip retaining the pipe to the heatexchanger swing the pipe to clear the pump andremove pipe.8. Undo the safety valve union connection.9. Withdraw the clip securing the safety valve.10. Lift safety valve from boiler.11. Fit the new safety valve and reassemble in reverseorder ensuring the new ‘o’ ring is fitted to the top of thereturn pipe.12. Refill boiler. Refer to Frame 30. Check operation ofboiler. Refer to Frames 38 & 39.1. Refer to Frame 49.2. Drain the heating system. Refer to Frame 63.3. Unscrew the pressure gauge and discard.4. Fit new pressure gauge, using suitable jointingcompound.5. Refill the boiler. Refer to Frame 30.6. Check operation of the boiler. Refer to Frames 38 & 39.64 pREssURE gaUgE RENEWaL675891063 DRaININg ThE BOILER3G9690DOMEsTIC hOT WaTER CIRCUIT1. Refer to Frame 50.2. Close all the DHW water isolating valves on the boiler inlet.3. To drain the DHW circuit: As there is no direct drain for the DHW circuit, depending on the location ofthe boiler, opening the lowest hot water tap may drain this circuit. However it must be noted that someresidual water will be experienced during replacement of components.4. After replacing any component on the boiler, close tap, open the DHW isolation valve and open all systemisolating valves (re-pressurise as appropriate by re-connecting the filling loop, refer to Frame 30) beforeproceeding to check operation of the boiler.5. Disconnect filling loop. Refer to Frame 30.6. Check operation of the boiler. Refer to Frames 38 & 39.CENTRaL hEaTINg CIRCUIT1. Refer to Frame 49.2. Close all the CH water isolating valves on the boiler inlet.3. To drain the primary heat exchanger circuit: Open the drain valveand attach a length of hose to the CH drain point.4. After replacing any component on the boiler, remove the hose,close the drain valve and open all system isolating valves (re-pressurise as appropriate by re-connecting the filling loop, referto Frame 30) before proceeding to check operation of the boiler.5. Disconnect filling loop. Refer to Frame 30.6. Check operation of the boiler. Refer to Frames 38 & 39. 3G9692dGas CHReturnFilling LoopDHWInletDHWOutletCHCircuitDrainCHFlowsERVICINg