23S E T T I N G S A N D A D J U S T M E N T SUsing the SETUP Menuand Navigation Buttons(D/E/ / )• The SETUP Menu contains a listingof all of the optional settings thatare included in this home theatersystem. They have all been preset towork properly with most systemsand setups. The speaker setupcannot be altered, as it has beenpreset to the correct positions forusing the system with the 6speakers included when youpurchased this system.• To check or change any settings, goto the SETUP Menu Main Page andselect one of the 4 pages on themain page. During Stop or Playmode (not Pause), press SETUP onthe remote control for the SETUPMenu Main Page.• Press (D/E) to select one of thefour pages on the Main Page, thenpress OK to go to the selected page.Note:The Preferences Page cannot beselected while a disc is playing. If adisc is playing, press SETUP again toexit the SETUP Menu page and pressSTOP to stop playback. Then pressSETUP again to re-enter the MainPage. The Preferences Page can nowbe selected.• Use (DE) to select one of thesettings on the page. The options forthe setting will appear in the rightcolumn. One of those options willalready be selected. This is thefactory default setting. Use ( G) tomove to the right column, and thenuse (DE) to scroll up or down toselect a new setting.• Press OK to make this the newdefault setting.• If you want to change any othersettings, use (F ) to move back tothe left column and then use (DE)to select the next item to bechanged. If you are finished makingchanges, press SETUP again to exitthe SETUP Menu. The menu pagedisappears.N OR M A L / PSN OR M A L / LB16:9TV TYPETV DISPLAYANGLE MARKVIDEO OUTOSD LANGSCR SAVERMAIN PAGESPEAKER SETUPAUDIO SETUPPREFERENCESEXIT SETUP