26• Depending on the DVD, 4:3 Letter-box may be selected automaticallyinstead of 4:3 Pan & Scan and viceversa.• You must also set the screen modeon your widescreen TV to “FULL”.• If 16 : 9 is selected and a normal TVis connected, 16:9 content willappear distorted during playback(objects look thin).• If 16 : 9 is selected and a normal 4:3TV, switchable to 16:9 mode, isconnected, to avoid verticallydistorted videos the TV must beturned to 16:9 mode manually when16:9 content is played. This is doneautomatically when the unit isconnected to the TV via SCART, butthen the TV must be turned to 4:3mode manually when 4:3 content isplayed, otherwise it will be showncompressed vertically.TV Type Setting(Multi/NTSC/PAL)Your TV is either a PAL or multi-system TV.The initial Default TV Type setting ofthis system is “PAL“. This setting willallow PAL discs to play properly onboth PAL TV's and multi-system TV's.And with this setting, NTSC discs willalso be played properly, as the unitwill convert NTSC signals to thePAL60 format which is compatiblewith most PAL TVs and all multi TVtypes. Only old PAL TVs are notcompatible with PAL60 and cannot beused with NTSC discs (no matterwhich setting is made).No further adjustment is necessary.You can skip to the next section.If you use a multi-system TV andwant to see NTSC discs in theoriginal NTSC format (may improvethe video performance with someNTSC discs), MULTI should beselected.If you wish to change the TV Typesetting, follow the 3 steps below.1. Press SETUP to enter SETUPMENU. Select GENERAL SETUP(see page 25), then press OK.2. Select TV TYPE using (DE), thenpress ( ) to go to the right optionlist. Select MULTI, NTSC or PALusing (DE), then press OK toconfirm your selection.3. Press SETUP again to exit SETUPMENU. The TV type selected willbe activated.Angle Mark SettingPath: Main Page General Page Angle MarkSome DVD movies contain sceneswhich were filmed from multipleangles simultaneously. If the sceneyou are watching was shot frommultiple angles, the angle iconwill appear on the screen.You may then press the angle buttonon the remote to select the alternateangles. The default Angle Marksetting is 'On'. If you change thesetting to 'Off' the angle icon will notappear, even if the scene was shotfrom multiple angles.• ON: appears on the TVscreen.• OFF: does not appear.Angle mark is on Angle mark is offNote:• You can change the angles usingANGLE. For details, see page 30.Video Output SettingThe initial default Video Output Modesetting for this system is "SCARTRGB" which is the correct settingwhen you are connecting this systemto your TV using the supplied SCARTconnector. There is no need tochange the video output modesetting.A composite video signal is alwaysavailable at the Video Out jack,should you wish to use this as yourpreferred connection method. If youwish to choose an S-VIDEO signal asyour video output, this is available viathe S-VIDEO socket only and isselected by accessing the VIDEOOUT options in the menu. If youchoose this option you will not beable to see a video signal, or menus,when connecting to the SCARToutput. The VIDEO OUT option mustbe reset to SCART RGB, in the menu,using the SCART connection beforethis option becomes available.The 3 steps below indicate how toselect a different video output setting.They are for information only.Your system has been preset to theSCART RGB setting and it mustremain in the SCART RGB setting inorder to view the picture on your TV.1. Press SETUP to enter SETUPMENU. Use (DE) to selectGENERAL SETUP (see page 25),and then press OK.2. Select VIDEO OUT using (DE),then press to go to the rightoption list. Select S-Video or RGBusing (DE), then press OK toconfirm your selection.3. Press SETUP again to exit SETUPMENU.S - V I D E OS C A R T R G BANGLE MARKVIDEO OUTONOF FVIDEO OUTANGLE MARKM U LT IN TS CPA LANGLE MARKVIDEO OUTOSD LANGSCR SAVERG E N E R A L S E T U P ( C O N T I N U E D )