27S P E A K E R S E T U PRecommended Speaker PlacementSpeaker placement like above or similar is recommended when using the5 satellites and subwoofer which were included with your system.Surround Left(Included)Surround Right(Included)Center (Included)Front Left(Included)Front Right(Included)Subwoofer(Included)LISTENINGPOSITIONDelay SettingsDue the different distances betweenthe listening position for the frontchannel speakers and the surroundspeakers, the amount of time it takesfor sound to reach your ears from thefront or surround speakers isdifferent. You may compensate forthis difference through the use of thedelay settings to adjust the timing forthe specific speaker placement andacoustic conditions in your listeningroom or home theater.To re-synchronize the front, centerand surround channels at firstmeasure and note the distance fromthe listening/viewing position to thefront, center, and surround speakersin meters.With the help of the figure below,measure the lenght of the two arrowsA and B.Center DelayPath: Main Page Speaker SetupPage Cntr DelayDefault Setting: OFFIf you wish to adjust the delay settingfor the center loudspeaker, follow thesteps below:1. Press SETUP to enter SETUPMENU. Select SPEAKER SETUP, thenpress OK2. Select CNTR DELAY using (DE),then press ( ) to go to the right optionlist. Select the distance thatcorresponds to the lenght of arrow A,measured above. Press OK to confirmyour selection.Rear DelayIf you wish to adjust the delay settingfor the rear loudspeakers, follow thesteps below:1. Press SETUP to enter SETUPMENU. Select SPEAKER SETUP, thenpress OK2. Select REAR DELAY using (DE),then press ( ) to go to the right optionlist. Select the distance thatcorresponds to the lenght of arrow B,measured above. Press OK to confirmyour selection.2M----1M0.5MOFF- - SPEAKER SETUP MENU - -CNTR DELAYREAR DELAYTEST TONE 1MOFFTest TonePath: Main Page Speaker SetupPage Test toneThe Test Tone can be used to check ifthe loudspeakers have beenconnected correctly.In the SPEAKER SETUP MENU, selectTEST TONE. Press ( ) to go to theright option list. To start the test tone,select ON with the (DE)The test tone will start at the front left(FL) speaker. After 3 seconds thesound will move to the center (C)speaker, and then to the front right(FR), surround right (SR) and surroundleft (SL) speakers in succession. Themain display and the TV screen willshow the word "TEST" and will alsoindicate which speaker is operating.The test tone continues cyclingamong the 5 speakers indefinitely.All 5 satellite speakers have beenpre-set to the same level (00 dB). Ifthe level of the tone from all 5speakers is the same at your normallistening position, no furtheradjustment is necessary. Select OFFwith the (DE) to cancel the testtone function.If the level of all 5 speakers does notsound the same at your normallistening position you can adjust eachspeaker up or down, 10 dB in 1 dBsteps. For more information aboutadjusting the individual SpeakerVolume, see page 35.