13Model S4800HF - UHFHF - TRIMLFINPUTJBL Incorporated, Northridge, California USA+1dB+0dB–1dB––Figure 10. Connecting speaker wiresusing banana plugs.(Passive Connection Method)Model S4800HF - UHFHF - TRIMLFINPUTJBL Incorporated, Northridge, California USA+1dB+0dB–1dB––Figure 11. Connecting speaker wiresusing banana plugs.(Bi-Wire Connection Method)PASSIVE CONNECTIONMETHODThe passive method requires oneamplifier and one set of wires.Connections are made to the lowerterminals (one black, one red). Donot remove the shorting straps.Loosen the lower terminal caps.Connect the positive conductorto the right (red) terminal and thenegative conductor to the left(black) terminal (see Figure 10).Refasten the terminal caps.BI-WIRE CONNECTIONMETHODSThe bi-wire connection methodrequires one amplifier and twosets of speaker wires. By removingthe shorting straps, connectionsmay be made to the individual net-work sections using four conduc-tors, one for each of the four termi-nals (see Figure 11).The optimal method of poweringthe S4800 system is with twoamplifiers, one for the low-fre-quency unit and one for the high-frequency unit. Since each amplifi-er drives only one speaker, thismethod allows the user to selectamplifiers with the desired soniccharacter for low and high fre-quencies (see Figure 11).NOTE: When using separate high-and low-frequency amplifiers withdual wires to each speaker, theamplifiers must have exactly thesame gain structure, or one ofthem must have a level control toadjust the gain between the twoamplifiers.Four identical amplifiers (or twodual-channel units) may be used,although specialized low- andhigh-frequency amplifiers offerclear advantages. A JBL specialistdealer can recommend the amplifi-cation that will best suit individualneeds.