CHAPTER 2 – UNPACKING THE S4800 SYSTEMAll components of the S4800 sys-tem have been very carefullypacked for maximum protectionagainst damage.As with any superior audio product,it is advisable to keep the originalpacking materials in case it isnecessary to transport the S4800system.Because of the bulk and weight ofthis loudspeaker, at least two peo-ple are required to unpack it in thefollowing manner: Open the front aswell as the top of the carton. Slowlyand carefully “walk” the loud-speaker in its Styrofoam™ endpads out of the carton. Two peoplemay then lift the system out of theend pads.The four spiked feet are pre-installed in the bottom of the S4800in four locations. Four metal coast-ers are packed in the end pads.These are to be placed betweenthe feet and the floor for furtherprotection of floor coverings. SeeFigure 6. Figure 6. Insertingspiked feet.CHAPTER 3 – SELECTING CABLESpeaker wire and interconnectingcables are critical components inany audio system. With a systemsuch as the S4800, they assume anew level of importance.S4800 loudspeakers are internallywired with high-quality copperMonster Cable, specially designedfor JBL. The same care that wasgiven to the selection of internalsystem wiring should be affordedto the selection and application ofthe cables that will connect S4800loudspeakers to other systemcomponents.It is advisable to use high-qualitywire, such as Monster Cable, andto select the highest-grade wireavailable from the manufacturer.Many manufacturers produceaudiophile cables worth consider-ing for the S4800. As with all elec-tronics and associated compo-nents, however, every manufactureroffers products of varying qualityto suit a range of budgets andapplications.We recommend using an audio-phile-quality speaker wire of notless than 16 gauge for connectionsup to 15 feet (5 meters) as a mini-mum requirement. If your connec-tions will be longer, heavier-gaugewire is recommended. JBL special-ist dealers have the experienceand knowledge to recommendsuitable speaker wire to bestcomplement a particular system.The amount of speaker wirerequired will depend on the dis-tance between the loudspeakersand amplifier(s), how many ampli-fiers will be used, and the methodyou select for connecting theamplifier and loudspeakers(passive or bi-wire; see Chapter 6).For maximum signal purity, it isadvisable to locate the amplifier(s)as close as possible to the loud-speakers, even if this means thata longer distance will be neededbetween the amplifier(s) andpreamplifier.Both the left and right speaker/amplifier connections should bethe same length. If the distancebetween one speaker and theamplifier(s) is greater than theother speaker and amplifier(s),use the longer length for bothconnections.For bi-wire connections, the sametype of wires may be used forboth the low-frequency and high-frequency sections to reduce wireeffects (resistance, inductance,etc.) and to avoid intermodulationof low and high frequencies in thewires. Specialized wires for low-frequency and high-frequencysections may yield excellentresults. Whatever wires are used,be sure that the low-frequencywires are as short as possible,and the left and right wires foreach section are the same length.8