![Jabra GO 6470 User Manual Manual pdf 35 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3566479/703f771cf1e381300aeaa9800688b58c35f.jpg)
35 englishJabra GO 6470 User manUalheadSet contRolS and SignalS7.5all Jabra GO headsets feature a collection of controls and indicators that enable you to manage and monitor yourcalls. these are:1. Multifunction buttonthis button is located near the back of the headset. through a combination of taps, double-taps, short pressesand long presses, you will be able to execute all of the most-needed functions, including answering a call,hanging up, switching between held calls, and more.2. Touch panelthis touch-sensitive panel is similar to the touch pad included with many laptop computers. It enables you toadjust the speaker volume and mute/unmute the microphone.3. Audio signal tonesthe headset generates several types of soft signal tones to let you know when you have an incomingcall, muted call, call on hold, low battery, or other type of event. It also responds each time you use themultifunction button.4. Headset visual indicatora multicolor led lets others see when you are on the phone and also gives feedback for certain types ofevents, such as low battery, incoming call, etc.2134Figure 27: Jabra GO headset controls and indicatorsThe Multifunction Buttonthe table below summarizes the various gestures recognized by the multifunction button. the terms listed in thetable are often used in this manual when describing how to use the headset.Gesture name How to make ittap tap and release instantly (not longer than 0.8 seconds).double tap two quick taps (less than half a second between them).press press and hold the button for 1 - 3 seconds.long press press and hold the button for 3 - 5 seconds.Gestures for using the headset multifunction button; the terms here are used throughout this manual.Table 3: