Page 57J-400 Series4. With the “Set Month” highlighted(Figure G), use the Left or Rightbutton n the Quad keypad to scrollthrough selection. Once the correctmonth is displayed, press the Downbutton to enable the day selection.5. With the “Set Day” highlighted(Figure H), press the Left or Rightbutton on the Quad keypad to scrollthrough selection. Once the correctday is displayed, press the Splashbutton to save your changes. Pressbutton D to return to the Date andTime Setting menu.12.5 setting the Time1. Press the Down button on the Quadkeypad to access the “Time Setting”(Figure I) submenus.2. The screen will open with“Set Clock” highlighted (Figure J).Press either the Left or Right buttonon the Quad Keypad to chooseeither a 12-hour or 24-hour (militarytime) display. Then press the Downbutton to enable the hour selection.3. With “Set Hour” highlighted(Figure K), press the Left (decrease)or Right (increase) button on theQuad keypad to scroll through theselection. Once the correct hour isdisplayed, press the Down button toenable the minutes selection.note: If you are using a standard 12-hour period, you will see the hour displayed as “1PM”. For the24-hour period it will read “1300”.Figure G5 4 3TIMESelectYearHourDayPress to saveSet Month JanFigure H5 4 3TIMESelectYearMonthDayPress to saveSet Day 02Press to enter5 4 3DATE & TIMESelectDate SettingsTime SettingsTime SettingsFigure IFigure J5 4 3TIMESelectClockSet Clock 12hrHourMinutesPress to saveFigure K5 4 3TIMESelectClockHourMinutesPress to saveSet Hour 1PM