Component Testing! WARNINGTo avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury, or death, disconnect electrical power source to unit, unless testprocedures require power to be connected. Discharge capacitor through a resistor before attempting to service.Ensure all ground wires are connected before certifying unit as repaired and/or operational.16021730 Rev. 0 4Component Description Test ProceduresVariable CapacityCompressorWhen compressor electrical circuit isenergized the DC powered compressoris started at high speed or 4500 RPMdown to 1600 RPM. For low speed fromthe compressor PCB board.Resistance test1. Disconnect power to unit.2. Remove leads from compressor terminals.3. Set ohmmeter to lowest scale.4. Check for resistance between any two terminals. Resistance should be equalbetween any two terminals.5. If either compressor winding reads open (infinite or very high resistance) ordead short (0 ohms), replace compressor.Ground test1. Disconnect power to refrigerator.2. Remove compressor leads and use an ohmmeter set on highest scale.3. Touch one lead to compressor body (clean point of contact) and other probeto each compressor terminal.• If reading is obtained, compressor is grounded and must be replaced.Operation testIf voltage and motor winding tests do not show cause for failure, perform thefollowing test:1. Activate the Diagnostic test mode (See Diagnostic test mode section)2. Activate Test mode #16 (which is High Speed for compressor)3. Check the A/C voltage between pins 1 and 2 of JP10 (Voltage should beapproximately 2.3VAC)4. Verify that line voltage is available to Compressor PCB at CNO1 betweenpins 2 and 5 If AC voltage is there.5. Check voltage at CNO5 at pins 1 and 6 voltage should read approximately230VAC6. Check Voltage at CNO5 at pins 1 and 3 voltage should read approximately230VAC7. Check Voltage at CNO5 at pins 3 and 6 voltage should read approximately230VAC8. The readings at all three above readings should be the same if not badPCB board9. If voltage is the same suspect a failed compressor.