13W A T E R F I L T E RNOTES:• The filter bypass or water filter mustbe in place or no water or ice will bedispensed.• DO NOT dispose of the filterbypass. It should be stored for futureuse, in the event that you choose touse the water and ice dispenserwithout a filter.I NITIAL F ILTERC ARTRIDGEI NSTALLATIONThe water filter mounts in the machinecompartment above the refrigerator.Your refrigerator was delivered from thefactory with a filter bypass in place. If thefilter was not installed for you when therefrigerator was installed, the filter car-tridge can be found packaged inside of therefrigerator. It can be easily installedwithout using any additional parts, screwsor fasteners.If the home is equipped with a ReverseOsmosis water treatment system, thisadditional water filter is not necessary.The filter bypass should remain installed. R EPLACING THE F ILTERC ARTRIDGE1. Twist the filter cartridge 1⁄ 4 turncounterclockwise to disengage fromthe head. Twist gently until thecartridge is free from the head, butDO NOT pull.2. Carefully remove the replacementfilter from its packaging.3. Follow steps 4 through 8 under InitialFilter Cartridge Installation.FilterBypassNOTE:Filter life may be affected by abnormalfeed water conditions or unusual inci-dents such as hydrant flushes, reservoirturnover or varying local water condi-tions.P ERIODS OF N ON -U SEIf the refrigerator has been out of use orice and water have not been dispensed formore than 2 weeks, the filter should bereplaced when the refrigerator is put backinto service.S PECIAL N OTICESIt is essential that operation, maintenanceand filter replacement requirements becarried out as scheduled. This product isfor cold-water use only.Do not use with water that is microbio-logically unsafe, or of unknown qualitywithout adequate disinfection before orafter the system. Systems certified for cystreduction may be used on disinfectedwater that may contain filterable cysts.For your own knowledge and safety, it isrecommended that your water quality beperiodically tested.The contaminants or other substancesremoved or reduced by this water treat-ment system are not necessarily in yourwater. The feed water connection mustconform to applicable plumbing codes.NOTE:A newly installed water filter cartridgemay cause water to temporarily spurtfrom the dispenser.IMPORTANT:• In order for the water filter monitorsystem to be set, power to the unitmust be ON when a new filter isinstalled.1. Remove the machine compartmentcover (see page 4).2. Twist the filter bypass cap 1⁄ 4 turncounter-clockwise to disengage. Re-move the filter bypass from the filterhead apparatus.3. Carefully remove the filter from itspackaging.4. Remove the red cap from the filter.5. Lubricate the O-ring with food-gradevegetable oil.6. Line up the cartridge ears so it can beinserted into the filter head. Rotatethe cartridge into the head. Twist thecartridge 1⁄4 turn clockwise to lock itinto place.You will feel a stop.7. Dispense water through the dispenserfor 10 minutes to flush away any looseparticles.8. Carefully check for leaks.