5(C)(D)(A)(B)(E) (F)Dispenser One-Piece Freezer Framed Panel(C)(D)(A)(B)(E) (F)Dispenser One-Piece Freezer Overlay Panel(A) Panel Height(B) Panel Width(C) Top of dispenser cutout to top of panel(D) Bottom of dispenser cutout to top of panel(E) Left of dispenser cutout width(F) Right of dispenser cutout width(A) Panel Height(B) Panel Width(C) Top of dispenser cutout to top of panel(D) Bottom of dispenser cutout to top of panel(E) Left of dispenser cutout width(F) Right of dispenser cutout widthInches Cm69 1/8 175.616 7/16 41.7521 3/16 53.8234 13/16 88.422 1/16 5.242 1/4 5.7242” Wide CabinetInches Cm69 1/8 175.618 11/16 47.4721 3/16 53.8234 13/16 88.422 3/16 5.564 3/8 11.1148” Wide CabinetInches Cm69 1/8 175.617 5/16 43.9720 5/8 52.3935 7/16 90.012 9/16 6.513 3/8 8.5748” Wide Cabinet42” Wide CabinetInches Cm69 1/8 175.615 1/16 38.2620 5/8 52.3935 7/16 90.012 7/16 6.191 5/16 3.33