21Recent improvements in refrigeration design may introduce sounds in your new refrigerator that were not noticed in earlier models.These improvements were made to create a refrigerator that will preserve food better, run more energy efficiently, and perform quieteroverall. Because new refrigerator designs run quieter than past models you may start to detect sounds that were actually present in yourolder model but were typically masked by the refrigerator’s higher sound levels. Many of these sounds are normal. The following aresome of the normal sounds your new refrigerator may make:REFRIGERANT FLOW: The flow of thecooling fluid in your freezer area may causegurgling or quiet knocking sounds when therefrigerator cycles on or off.WATER VALVES: You maydetect a slight buzzing soundunder the refrigerator whenwater is requested from the icedispenser or when the ice makerneeds water to make ice. CABINET LEVELING: An unlevelcabinet may cause rattles andvibration noises.AIRFLOW SOUNDS:There are a number offans in the refrigeratorthat make airflow soundswhen in operation. Thefreezer fan circulatescool air throughout therefrigerator. The refrig-erator circulating fanhelps keep that com-partment's temperaturemore uniform. Thecondenser fan on top ofyour refrigerator isutilized to remove theheat generated by therefrigeration system.Lastly, the Climate Zonecompartments circulateair to maintain optimumtemperatures.COMPRESSOR: Thecompressor on thisunit has a variablespeed motor. Thisvariability allows thesystem to adjust todifferent usage needs.This will introducespeed change soundsand some higherpitched hummingsounds that arenormal for theoperation of this typeof compressor.ICE MAKER: The cabinetwill occasionally generate arattling sound when icecubes are ejected into thefreezer ice bin. You mayalso detect the motor that isejecting that ice. These arenormal sounds necessary forice making.CONTROL SWITCHES: Inthe electronics control areathere are numerous controlswitches that make a quietclicking sound when you useyour refrigerator or duringsome of the normal systemoperations.N O R M A L O P E R A T I N G S O U N D S