23RECORDERRecorderRECORDING CAPACITYThe total recording capacity is about 15,000 notes. Pressing any buttonsor pedals is counted as one note.When the recorder reaches it’s maximum capacity, the CE200 piano willstop recording at that point.RECORDER AND METRONOMEWhen playing back a song with the metronome turned on, the metronomealways restarts with the down beat.3.1 RECORDING (REC BUTTON )The REC button is used for recording.Press the REC button when you are ready to record. The LEDindicator will start flashing telling you that the piano is ready to record.Now play some music on the piano. The recorder will automaticallystart recording with the first note you play.Press the PLAY/STOP button when you are finished recording. Thepiano will stop recording and save your song to memory.Saving to memory may take a few moments and during this time the pianowill not perform any other operations.You can start recording by pressing the PLAY/STOP button instead ofpressing a key. In this way, you can insert a blank bar at the beginning ofthe song.If you make a mistake, you can record your piece again. Just repeat thesame procedure. The second recording will completely erase the firstone.RECORDING ANOTHER SONGThe CE200 piano is capable of recording and storing up to three differentsongs. Let’s try recording a second song.If you followed the procedure in the previous section you have alreadyrecorded Song 1, so now let’s record Song 2.