47USING MIDIUsing MIDIEFFECTS REVERB RECRECORDERPLAY/STOPTEMPOMETRONOMEBEATVOLUMEDual Balanceleft right DEMODEMOCONCERTMAGICmaxminMASTER VOLUMETOUCH TRANS-POSEPIANO1SONG 1 PART 1 22 3 4 5PIANO2E.PIANO CHURCHORGANHARPSI-CHORDVIBRA-PHONESTRINGS CHOIRVALUEMIDI IN MIDI OUTTo change the sound from the CE200 piano, select the desired number asexplained in the Reference section and send it from the CE200 piano toyour external MIDI device.It may be possible to change preset sounds directly on your external MIDIdevice. In this case you may want to set the CE200 piano so that it doesnot transmit program changes. Read “10. Transmit Program Change On/Off” on page 37 to learn how to prevent the CE200 piano from transmittingprogram changes.6.2 USING THE CE200 PIANO AS A M ULTI- TIMBRAL S OUND MODULEThe CE200 piano can also be used as a 16-part multi-timbral sound module.Your CE200 piano is capable of playing back for example, a four partsong with two piano parts, a string part, and a choir part all sent from anexternal MIDI sequencer or a personal computer. You can also play theCE200 piano along with a recorded song.To set the CE200 piano to receive MIDI as a multi-timbral instrument itmust be connected with an external MIDI device or personal computerwith appropriate software.Connect the CE200 piano’s MIDI IN jack and your external MIDI device’sMIDI OUT jack with a MIDI cable. Please note that the MIDI informationis now being transmitted the opposite of our earlier setup. The CE200piano is now receiving MIDI data from your external MIDI device.MIDI CHANNELThe next step is to match your MIDI channels. When receiving MIDI dataon the CE200 piano with multi-timbral mode ON, it is not necessary tospecify a MIDI channel to use because the CE200 piano can receive dataon multiple MIDI channels at once. You do have to be careful to matchMIDI channels between each part. A MIDI channel can only have onesound assigned to it at a time. You must set the MIDI channel for eachpart on both the transmitting (external MIDI device) and the receiving(CE200 piano) MIDI devices. For example, channel 1 for piano, ch 2 forstrings, ch 3 for choir, etc.