DIRECTIONS FOR USEREADOUT DISPLAYCD POSITIONS OF T H E D I S P L A YDisplays the calendar, scale factors, cursorm e a s u r e m e n t d a t a , e t c . a t t h e f o l l o w i n gpositions on the C R T .Fig. 512) DISPLAY CONTENTS1 Calendar/ClockDisplays a calendar and clock in the following order:Month-Day-Year-O'clock-MinuteMonth: J A N , F E B , M A R , A P R , M A Y , J U N , J U L ,A U G , S E P , O C T , NOV, D E CDay: 0 1 to 3 1Year: 0 0 to 9 9O'clock: 0 0 to 2 3Minute: 0 0 to 5 9T h e s e setting can be changed with the switch locatedon the bottom. (For resetting, refer to the Maintenancesection.)2 Cursor ModeT h e current setting cursor mode, which depends on thecombination of the operation controls, is displayed.AV2, AT, MAT, RATIO, P H A S E3 Cursor Measuring DataThe result measured by the t w o cursors is displayed. Inthe 1 M T mode, when the t w o cursors approacheach other and the measurement nears its limit, a " ? "will be displayed in front of the measured data. Thiss h o w s that the measured data is not available.4 CH1 Scale FactorDisplays the C H 1 vertical axis sensitivity to one divi-sion. When not in C A L mode, a " > " is displayed afterC H 1 .NOTE: T h i s is not displayed when the MODE control(Q) is set to C H 2 .5 CH2 Scale FactorDisplays the C H 2 vertical axis sensitivity to one divi-sion. When not in C A L mode, a " > " is displayed afterC H 2 .NOTE: T h i s is not displayed when the MODE control© i s set to C H 1 .6 ADD" + " is displayed w h e n the MODE control (Jj) is set toA D D .7 CH2 INVERTThe inverted polarity of C H 2 " J " is displayed by con-trolling the • POSITION/PULL INV (jjj) .8 Sweep Scale FactorDisplays the s w e e p range set by the S W E E P T I M E / D I V .When the S W E E P V A R I A B L E is not in C A L mode, a " > "is displayed. W h e n T R I G G E R I N G MODE is set to X - Y ,this display is changed to " X - Y " .13