SAFETYSymbol in T h i s ManualA This symbol indicates where applicable cautionary orZIX other imformation is to be found.Power SourceThis equipment operates from a power source that doesnot apply more than 2 5 0 V rms between the supply con-ductors or between either supply conductor and ground. Aprotective ground connection by w a y of the grounding con-ductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation.Grounding the ProductThis equipment is grounded through the grounding conduc-tor of the power cord. T o avoid electrical shock, plug thepower cord into a properly wired receptacle before connec-ting to the equipment input or output terminals.Use the Proper Power CordUse only the power cord and connector specified for yourproduct.Use the Proper FuseT o avoid fire hazard, use a fuse of the correct type.Do not Operate in Explosive AtmospheresT o avoid explosion, do not operate this product in an e x -plosive atmosphere.Do not Remove Cover or PanelT o avoid personal injury, do not remove the cover or panel.Refer servicing to qualified personnel.Voltage ConversionIf the power source is not applied to your product, contactyour dealer. T o avoid electrical shock, do not perform thevoltage conversion.CONTENTSS A F E T Y 2F E A T U R E S . . . 3S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 4P R E C A U T I O N S . . . 7C O N T R O L S A N D I N D I C A T O R S 8FRONT PANEL 8REAR PANEL 1 2D I R E C T I O N S F O R U S E . . 1 3O P E R A T I O N 1 4[A] OPERATION A S A GENERAL-USE O S C I L L O S C O P E . . 1 4[ 1 ] NORMAL S W E E P DISPLAY OPERATION 1 4[2] SWEEP MAGNIFICATION OPERATION 1 6[3] X - Y OPERATION 1 6[4] VIDEO SIGNAL OBSERVATION 1 6[B] EQUIVALENT SAMPLING 1 6[ C ] READOUT OPERATION 1 7A P P L I C A T I O N 1 8PROBE COMPENSATION 1 8T R A C E ROTATION COMPENSATION 1 81 . DC V O L T A G E MEASUREMENTS 1 82. MEASUREMENTS OF THE V O L T A G EBETWEEN T W O POINTS ON A WAVEFORM 1 93. ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRED SIGNALCOMPONENTS... . 2 04. V O L T A G E RATIO MEASUREMENTUSING C U R S O R S . 2 05. TIME MEASUREMENTS 2 16. TIME DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENT 2 17. PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTS . 2 28. PULSE RISE TIME AND FALLTIME ~MEASUREMENTS 2 39. PHASE DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTS 2 410. TIME RATIO MEASUREMENT USING C U R S O R S . 2 51 1 . FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS 2 612. RELATIVE MEASUREMENTS . 2 713. APPLICATION OF X - Y OPERATION . . . 2 814. APPLICATION A S AN EQUIVALENT-SAMPLINGOSCILLOSCOPE 2 9M A I N T E N A N C E 3 1RESETTING THE READOUT CALENDER AND C L O C KDISPLAY 3 2A C C E S S O R I E S 3 32