[ C ] READOUT OPERATION1 C R T surface readoutBy rotating the INTEN ( R E A D O U T ) controller (g)clockwise up to the very end, characters are displayedon the C R T . Adjust the brightness as necessity requires.The C H 1 and C H 2 scale factors are displayed in thelower part of the C R T in accordance with setting of theMODE select switch (jj) . The sweep scale factor isdisplayed in the lower right part. B y pulling the •P O S I T I O N / P U L L x 1 0 MAG switch @ , a tenth scalefactor of the S W E E P TIME/DIV dial @ is displayed. Thecalendar is displayed in the upper left.NOTE: If the D A T A - O N / O F F switch on the bottom is setto O F F position, the calendar is not displayed.For the calendar setting, refer to the item"Maintenance and Adjustment".When the readout values are displayed, brilliancem o d u l a t i o n m a y i n f l u e n c e the real-timewaveform in some c a s e s . In such a c a s e , rotatethe INTEN ( R E A D O U T ) controller (g) counter-clockwise up to the very end. The readout func-tion turns O F F , and the brilliance modulation onthe real-time waveform disappears.2 Cursor measurement4 V 1 : Set the MODE select switch (jj) to A L T andthe C U R S O R S select switch (fj) to AV\,and t w o horizontal cursor lines are displayed onthe C R T and voltage difference between cursorlines calculated in accordance with setting ofthe C H 1 V O L T S / D I V dial (2) is displayed in theupper right on the C R T . By setting the C H 1V A R I A B L E controller (3) to the U N C A L posi-tion, voltage ratio is displayed.Move the cursors to the positions to bemeasured with the AREF controller if(|) andA controller (||) .AV2: Set the C U R S O R S select switch (31) to V 2 , andvoltage difference in accordance with the C H 2range setting is displayed in the upper right onthe C R T similarly with the above.AT: S e t the C U R S O R S select switch (fj) to AT,and t w o vertical cursor lines are displayed onthe C R T and time difference between the cur-sor lines calculated based on the sweep scalefactor displayed in the lower right is displayedin the upper right. By setting the S W E E PV A R I A B L E controller (§) to the U N C A L posi-tion, time ratio is displayed.MAT: Set the C U R S O R S select switch (fj) to MAT,and t w o vertical cursor lines are displayed on theC R T and frequency between the cursor linescalculated based on the sweep scale factordisplayed in the lower right is displayed in the up-per right. B y setting the S W E E P V A R I A B L E con-troller @ to the UNCAL position, phase dif-ference is displayed.In the case shown in Fig. 1 0 , the sampling pulse isgenerated with a certain delay with respect to the inputsignal, and the signal held by this sampling pulse becomesthe output signal.In this figure, the period of the output signal is 1/12 of theinput signal.NOTE: When the equivalent sampling is applied to an inputsignal with a low frequency, the dots of thewaveform obtained will be coarse.When triggering is inaccurate, the equivalent sampl-ing operation will be abnormal and the waveformdisplayed on the screen will be totally different fromthe input signal.17