20 21Return to the Top pageBasic OperationsReturn to the Top pageBasic OperationsSD cardDNN990HDPress the <G> button for 1 secondto open the front panel.0The panel fully opens.Hold the SD card as the diagrambelow and insert it into the slotuntil it clicks.Notched sectionLabeled sideThe unit loads the card and playbackstarts.ö To remove:Push the SD card until it clicks and thenremove your finger from the card.The card pops up so that you can pull itout with your fingers.DNN770HDOpen the microSD card slot coveras the illustration in the right.Hold the microSD card with thelabel facing up and the notchedsection right, and insert it into theslot until it clicks.The unit loads the card and playbackstarts.ö To remove:Push the microSD card until it clicks andthen remove your finger from the card.The card pops up so that you can pull itout with your fingers.1212ñ How to Play MediaMusic CD and disc mediaDNN990HDPress the <G> button.HOME 6The panel opens.Insert the disc into the slot.The panel closes automatically.The unit loads the disc and playbackstarts.ö To eject the disc:Press the <G> button.DNN770HDInsert the disc into the slot.The unit loads the disc and playbackstarts.ö To eject the disc:Press the <0> button.HOME6TELUSB deviceConnect the USB device with theUSB cable.The unit reads the device and playbackstarts.ö To disconnect the device:Touch [G] on the screen and disconnectthe device from the cable.iPodConnect the iPod with the iPodcable.The unit reads the iPod and playbackstarts.ö To disconnect the device:Touch [ ] on the screen and then touch[G]. Disconnect the iPod from the cable.12111