13CD-224M/DPF-J5010 (En): Keys and controls used in the operations described on this page.Normal play (TRACK mode)CHARACTER/P.MODERANDOMMODECONFIRMRT CA 0K D1 21 :0 0T 2GP 0M 01 D1 31 :1 0T 2EB TS 10 D1 01 :4 0T 3.M YT EP D1 hR ty mh 2NO 0E ID CS R1 NA OD MGP ER EP TA O1 :N 0T 27Direct disc selectionPress the numeric keys in the following order...Disc No. 63 : 63Disc No. 100 : 1))DISCSELECTOR6ABC2DEF3JKL5GHI4MNO61TUV8PRS7WXY9QZ0& ( ) – /+100' , : ? !+101 Press the DISC SELECTOR key.2 Input the disc number.3 Start playback.How to input numeric valuesAs this unit requires input of large numeric values, it adopts adifferent input method from other KENWOOD products. How-ever, the method used with other KENWOOD products can alsobe used to input numeric values in this unit.Special input method for CD player with 200-disc changerTo input 42 : 42To input 115 : 115To input 200 : 2))Same input method as other KENWOOD productsTo input 42 : 00002To input 115 : 05To input 200 :What is the “normal play TRACK mode”?Playback is made from the first track. The normal playback modeis called TRACK mode. Press the CONFIRM key to confirm thepresent mode.TRACK modePGM modeBEST SELECTION modeMUSIC TYPE modeRANDOM modeREPEAT modeTo set the unit to the TRACK mode:At the time of PGM mode : Press the P.MODE key.At the time of BEST SELECTION mode : Press the 7 key duringplayback.At the time of MUSIC TYPE mode : Press the MODE key.At the time of RANDOM mode : Select “RANDOM OFF”.Within 8 seconds!Within 8 seconds!