26 K-511USB/RD-K511USB 27EnglishWhen an SD card or USB card is recorded using this system:The fi les recorded into an SD card or USB device using this system are grouped in folders, and management numbersare automatically given to the created folders and files.Management number given automatically to a folder: A_A001…A_A999…A_Z999Management number given automatically to a file: T001.WMA, T002.WMA……When a folder is recorded after the title information has been acquired from the AMG database, the album name is attached automaticallyafter the management number of the file, and the filename is attached automatically after the management number of each file.This system uses the WMA and WAV formats for recording audio into the SD card and USB device.When a CD is recorded:T001_title.WMAT002_title.WMAT011_title.WMAInside of the SD card or USB deviceKWD A_A001_albumnameTrack 1Track 2Track 11AL_A001 folder is automaticallycreated.* When an SD card or USB device isrecorded for the first time using thissystem, the KWD folder is createdautomatically. The folders and filesrecorded hereafter are managed inthe KWD folder.*When the desired tracks of another CD are recorded after the above:AL_A002 folder is newly created.KWD A_A001_albumnameA_A002_albumnameInside of the SD card or USB deviceTrack 3Track 5Track 8Track 9AL_A001 folder created inprevious recording.T001_title.WMAT002_title.WMAT003_title.WMAT004_title.WMA•••Folders and music files: Folder : FileHow to select a folder and/or fileWith this system, the music recorded in the CD-ROM, SD card, USB device or digital audio player is referred to as"audio file(s)" or "file(s)".The folder and file can be selected as follows.Use [MULTI CONTROL] for selection, thenpress [ENTER] to enter the selection.* FXXX indicates the order of each file. Thefolders and fi les are numbered automaticallyaccording to the positions in their orders.Pressing the numeric buttons of the remotecontrol unit makes it possible to startplayback from the selected file. (pages 33, 37)Examples) F007: [7]F102: [+100], [2]Numbers of folders and files that canbe accommodated in the KWD folderFolder .........................200File............................ 1000To check the numbers of available foldersand files, see "Checking the remainingSD/USB recording time". (page 68)* Select the fileand press [ENTER]to start playback.Move using [MULTICOTROL A/B].Move using[MULTICONTROL C/D].Move using[MULTICONTROLA/B].Move using [MULTICONTROL A/B] .Move using [MULTI CONTROLA/B] .Move using[MULTICOTROL C/D].KWD A_A001A_A002A_A003T001.WMAT011.WMAT002.WMAT001.WMAT002.WMAT003.WMAT004.WMAMove using[MULTICONTROLC/D].: Folder : FilePlaying music tracks