MEMORY CHANNEL IDSTo help you remember each memory channel'spurpose, the dual bander has the ability to store anidentifier (ID) for each channel. This ID can be acallsign, repeater name, city, person's name, etc. thatcan be formed from the character library. All80 memory channels can be assigned an ID of up to7 characters.@ Storing IDs1226Press [BAND] to select the Operating band.Press[MR]andselect thememorychannelforwhich you wanttostoreanID.Press [F], [ID IN] to enter ID Input mode.TurntheENCcontroltoselect thefirstcharacter.+ Pressing [4] deletes the previous character.Press [4] repeatedly to position the blinkingcursor, if necessary.*Tosearch morequicklythroughthecharacterlibrary,hold[MONI] downandturn theENCcontrol.Each stepof theENCcontrolthenmoves you 5 characters. Clockwiserotationmoves you ahead; counterclockwisemoves you backin the library.Pressing [CLR] aborts ID Entry mode andreturns you to Memory Recall.Press [>].Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until all characters areentered.It is not necessary to enter [>] after the finalcharacter.7 Press [SET] to exit.M Character LibraryLETTERS: |ÂUpper Case AaLETTERS: jaLower Case | eû ü ùNUMERALS |0 123456789a) mnj» dl"#$ %8SYMBOLS ()*+,-./:; <=>? @[]" _"(1)>ec eYPtf1 Space character