Note:+ DTSS may not function in the following situations:+ DTSS is switched ON for both the VHF and UHF bands.The other station is using a battery saver function.-A repeater ID and the DTSS code are receivedsimultaneously.Ifdifficultyisexperiencedinthese cases,press[MR]whilestillholding[PTT]downtoresendthecode.Alternatively,release[PTT]thenpress[PTT]again.RemembertoswitchONtheDTSSfunctioninadvance.+When[F],[DTSS]ispressedwithPage ON,Pageisautomaticallyswitched OFF, andDTSSisswitched ON.» BothDTSSstatusandaDTSScodecan be storedinamemorychannelortheCallchannel.Further,whenrecallingeitheramemorychannelortheCallchannelwithDTSSstatusONwhileusingtheVFOwithPageswitchedON,PageisgivenpriorityandtheDTSSstatusswitches OFF.+Themicrophoneisinhibitedwhile theDTSScodeistransmitted.eit'sadvisabletoswitchOFFtheBatterySaverwhenyouuseDTSS.+ifDTSSand ToneAlert areON,thereisnospeakeroutputexceptthealarmtoneevenifasignalisreceivedwith thecorrectDTSScode.DTSS AND REPEATERSPressing [PTT] transmits the DTSS signal after a shortdelay. This delay helps avoid losing DTSS data whenusing repeaters with long response times that may missreceiving a portion of the DTSS code.The delay time is 350 ms during simplex operation.When using a transmit offset or a split frequency, youcan select either 350 ms (default) or 550 ms.1 Press [MENU].2 Turn the ENC control to select "CSQL Delay" (8).SOL Dela3 Press [SET] to toggle between "350" ms and"550" ms.4 Press [MENU] to exit.Note: DTSS cannot be used with some repeaters. Also, DTSS maynot function if a repeater ID and the DTSS code are receivedsimultaneously. Press [MR] while still holding [PTT] down, or press[PTT] again to re-transmit the DTSS code.49