20SCAN R EVERTYou can select Revert zones and channels using the selectorand the Zone or CH/GID keys.Eight types of Scan Reverts which can be programmed byyour dealer are available.• Last Called Revert: The last zone/ channel received is assignedas the new revert zone and channel.• Last Used Revert: The last zone/ channel responded to isassigned as the new revert zone and channel.• Selected: The last zone/ channel selected is assigned as thenew revert zone and channel.• Selected + Talkback: If the zone/ channel has been changedduring Scan, the newly selected zone/ channel is assigned as thenew revert zone and channel. The transceiver “talks back” on thecurrent receive channel.• Priority 1/ Priority 2: If your dealer has programmed a Prioritychannel (either Priority 1 or Priority 2), this channel is the revertzone and channel.• Priority 1 + Talkback/ Priority2 + Talkback: If your dealer hasprogrammed a Priority channel (either Priority 1 or Priority 2), thischannel is the revert zone and channel. The transceiver “talksback” on the current receive channel.PRIORITY S CANA Priority channel must be programmed in order for PriorityScan to function.The transceiver will automatically change to the Prioritychannel when a signal is received on it, even if a signal isbeing received on a normal channel.• The indicator represents the Priority 1 channel.• The indicator represents the Priority 2 channel.• The indicator represents both the Priority 1 and Priority 2channel.