26FleetSync is an Alphanumeric 2-way Paging Function, and isa protocol owned by KENWOOD Corporation. FleetSyncenables a variety of paging functions on your transceiver,some of which depend on dealer programming.Note: Your transceiver functions include either FleetSync or 5-toneSignaling {page 22}, but not both.SELCALL (S ELECTIVE CALLING )A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station or to a group ofstations. T RANSMITTING1 Select your desired zone and channel.2 Press the key programmed as Selcall orSelcall + Status to enter Selcall Mode.3 Rotate the selector or press the and C> keys toselect the ID of the station you want to call.• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using the DTMFkeypad.• If Manual Input Mode is enabled, you can enter digits byusing the DTMF keypad or by selecting digits with theselector. To enter Manual Input Mode, first press andhold the S or key. When using the selector, rotate it toselect a digit, then press the C> key to accept the digitand shift the cursor to the right. Repeat this process untilthe entire ID is entered.4 Press the PTT switch and begin your conversation.• Alternatively, you can press the Side 2 key to page theselected station, rather than making a voice call.FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION