2SElECTING A ZoNE AND CHANNElSelect the desired zone using the Selector or the keysprogrammed as [Zone Up]/ [Zone Down].• The default setting for the Selector is [Zone Up/ Down].Select the desired channel using the Selector or the keysprogrammed as [Channel Up]/ [Channel Down].• The default setting for the key is [Channel Down].• The default setting for the C> key is [Channel Up].Names can be programmed for channels, with up to 8characters each. The transceiver will display either thechannel name or the zone and channel number. Press the keyprogrammed as [Display Character] to toggle between thetwo displays.TrANSMITTING1 Select your desired zone and channel (above).2 Press the key programmed as [Monitor] or [Squelch Off]to check whether or not the channel is free.• If the channel is busy, wait until it becomes free.3 Press the PTT switch and speak into the microphone inyour normal speaking voice.• For best sound quality at the receiving station, hold themicrophone approximately .5 inches (3 ~ 4 cm) from yourmouth.4 Release the PTT switch to receive.rECEIvING1 Select your desired zone and channel (above).• Alternatively, you can turn the Scan function on if desired.2 When you hear a caller’s voice, readjust the volume asnecessary.